Of course, color dynamics has been used for a long time - these are powerful tools of today's show business, with their mesmerizing light effects, and fountains with musical colored lighting in various cities of Russia, and much more. But the current "digital revolution" makes colored light, freely changing in space and time, available to any designer, artist or architect. And the reason for this was the emergence of dynamic LED installations, increasingly replacing incandescent and halogen lamps. LED systems implement the ability to arbitrarily change the color and brightness of the light flux.
Color Kinetics (USA), which created its Chromacore technology, which allows you to "conduct" LEDs, mixing colors in the RGB style, became a pioneer of LEB color dynamics. Color Kinetics has mastered a wide range of light sources (C-series "spotlights", ColorBlast "blasters" for wall lighting, iColorMR "analog" of the halogen lamp MR-16, ColorCove linear lamps, and others), which have a built-in microprocessor with a decent number of color control programs. Program switching occurs using compact DIP switches. In addition to built-in programs, it is possible to "conduct" light using a personal computer or an external controller via the DMX512 protocol. The special ColorPlay package allows the user to easily prepare a program for loading - it takes only a few minutes to designate specific light sources and simulate the order of actions of any of them on the time axis. The result of this activity can be seen right there, on the monitor screen or in reality, after which the program can be entered into the controller's memory.
Color dynamics technologies are experiencing rapid development not only in the USA. Europe is not far behind - inspired by the success of Color Kinetics, European manufacturers (for example, the Belgian Ldi) presented their versions of color dynamic systems with software control based on LEDs. Russian laboratories, with their current focus on innovation, are also unlikely to remain in debt, as are their former colleagues from the USSR.
All this will probably serve to reduce the cost of Color Kinetics systems, which still remains quite high, despite the fact that some products have the "Made in China" trademark, because the significant level of standardization of LEB modules contributes to pricing based on the principle: a huge number of standard components - low prices.
The active growth of high-tech light control systems suggests many new opportunities for designers, since they have at their disposal a tool that is much more powerful than traditional incandescent or halogen lamps. LED dynamic systems are changing the emphasis in the direction of system design. The rapidly accelerating development of lighting technologies, of course, requires artists to study modern tools and create new creative techniques, and also carries a great incentive for creativity.