Landscape lighting of a country house is necessary on the site both in the evening and at night, which allows you to prolong your comfortable and safe stay on the territory of the garden or site. In addition to purely utilitarian purposes, landscape lighting can also be used for decorative purposes.
Landscape lighting has become increasingly popular in recent years. The company "HORS" offers services for the design, installation and maintenance of outdoor, indoor and landscape lighting systems. High-quality landscape lighting solves, first of all, decorative problems and creates a feeling of warmth and comfort near your home. Landscape lighting for the most demanding taste is at your service.
We offer landscape lighting for country houses, flower beds, small architectural forms and other objects using architectural lamps presented in our catalog. This method of landscape lighting not only meets modern technical specifications, but is also economical, as it has a long service life.
Landscape lighting will add aesthetic value to the landscape and help you navigate it after dark – it will illuminate steps, passages, a winter garden, sculptures, fountains and pools.
Landscape lighting is popular for several important reasons, one of which is the mood and atmosphere created with the help of light. In most cases, customers want coziness, comfort and tranquility. Correctly selected LED landscape lighting has a positive psychological effect.
The second, no less important reason is prestige. Correctly executed landscape lighting clearly demonstrates to others the fact that the owner of the site cares about his property, putting a lot of effort into it. This significantly increases his authority in the eyes of neighbors, increases his social status. In many modern suburban communities, the presence of proper landscape lighting is a must for the owner.
The third most important reason for the popularity of landscape lighting is safety considerations. It seems obvious that a well-lit area is a safe area. Good landscape lighting scares off lovers of illegal activities much more effectively than an unlit one. The presence of light acts as a psychological limiter.
In addition, many customers are faced with the fact that in suburban cottage communities there are limits on electricity consumption and do not allow the designer's imagination to unfold with lighting solutions. The use of LED landscape lighting and LED lighting in general allows you to minimize energy consumption and implement all your ideas without restrictions.
When the sun leaves our garden, turning it into a twilight kingdom, it seems as if life in it freezes. Roses fade, firs become gloomy, and only the moonlit path sparkles on the surface of the pond. And it is such a pity that, having gone out of town, we lose precious hours of communication with nature just because night falls. But everything can be fixed. You can extend the day, give the garden exquisite beauty at night, with the help of a skillfully designed project of landscape lighting and no less skillful implementation. Don't limit yourself to banal lamps on an open terrace and along paths.
Artificial light can emphasize the beauty of an alpine garden, make a fountain and waterfall sparkle with crystal splashes, highlight a spectacular bush and add mystery to a rose garden. In general, light will help prolong the charm of the garden when a warm summer evening gives way to night. But light can also ruin your garden if it disrupts the harmony of color. In a night pool illuminated by bright yellow light, you will look terrible. And red light will fill your stream with streams of blood. Blue neon will kill the charm of a red rose. So it is better not to experiment, but to listen to the advice of a garden designer, trusting him to select and place lamps in the garden.
Choosing a lamp is not an easy task. Most often, we are limited only by its shape. In fact, it is more important to choose not even the lamp itself, but the lamps that will give this or that lighting effect. By the way, when choosing one or another technology, we not only choose light, but also solve the financial issue and the problem of energy saving.
In addition to incandescent lamps, fluorescent and halogen lamps are used to illuminate individual elements in the garden. But the most “advanced” owners of suburban real estate todaynya pay attention to new technologies - LEDs, fiber optics. When choosing fluorescent lamps, you should know that for using them in the garden you will need an expensive moisture-proof case. In addition, lamps with fluorescent lamps are quite large, and such light is more difficult to control. And in the garden you want to have lamps that can give both bright and dim light.

Halogen lamps can be very miniature, but their main drawback is strong heating, and accordingly a shorter service life, and for plants placed nearby, additional heat, which is not always good. Strong heat quickly destroys the dye or film that covers colored halogen lamps or the lamps they are enclosed in.
You should be especially careful when choosing lamps for lighting water features. Thus, when choosing the shape of the lamp, you should also choose the right lighting technology depending on the purpose. For example, to illuminate a rose garden, it is better to use ground-mounted spotlights with pale yellow light emitted by a fluorescent lamp. And to illuminate a beautiful boulder on an alpine slide, it is better to use a miniature lamp with a halogen lamp, but do not install it among ground cover plants. All these features of lighting technology should be carefully worked out during the design work.
Outdoor lighting in the country - garden lantern
Garden lanterns are not furniture that can be changed depending on your mood, and not even flowers that are

planted according to the season. This is a whole system, and it should be installed simultaneously with the construction of the house and the design of the garden, since some of the wires run underground. Typically, the plan includes a diagram of the location of the electrical circuit, installation equipment and lamps and is developed based on the garden project as a whole.
Experts advise thinking about external lighting during the construction of the house and installing garden lights at the same time as the water supply, sewerage and other utilities, so as not to dig extra trenches for electrical wiring, which is sometimes laid in the ground. Be prepared for the fact that your landscape will suffer a little as a result of electrical excavations and will have to be restored.
Garden lighting should be selected taking into account the overall concept of the house and garden, in order to emphasize the natural and artificially created features of the landscape on the site around the building. Garden lanterns are produced in all sorts of styles. Some domestic craftsmen continue to make forged and cast iron lanterns - they can decorate a park and look worthy against the background of any palace, you can find ceramic Japanese lamps in the form of a pagoda and other unusual shapes. Most companies specializing in lighting offer technological lamps made of aluminum and glass of a rather modest appearance, but with a lot of useful properties that allow you to reveal and emphasize the beauty of the surrounding nature. In addition, by combining different lanterns - wall-mounted, on high or low legs, single or connected in groups, with the same design, you can create a harmonious picture.

When organizing temporary lighting of some area of the territory (a table in the yard, a swing, etc.), the power supply is carried out either permanently, for example, laid in the ground with the output of sockets in certain places - in this case, it is advisable to use lamps equipped with a small wire with a plug, and for a certain period, placing on the ground or hanging. The undoubted advantage of such lamps is their mobility: pull the pin out of the ground and move it to a new location. In addition, they are easy to dismantle, and take up a minimum of space when stored.
It is necessary to remember that all electrical outlets and extension cords used outdoors must be made of moisture-proof material. It is good if the entire electrical system used for stationary and temporary lighting of the site is low-current. To do this, it is enough to place a step-down transformer in the house and replace the bulbs in the lamps. Many manufacturers of garden lamps produce products designed for 12 V electrical networks, so when buying lamps, carefully read their technical specifications.
Light is a fertile field for bold experiments, especially when it comes to lighting the area of a country house. Moreover, solving this problem can be an exciting activity: just imagine that on your ownof the territory and independently of city services, you decide for yourself which part of the site to illuminate, where it will be necessary, and where - just beautiful. And the possibilities of your private RAOES in miniature will be limited only by your own finances, imagination: and, of course, elementary common sense.
And it dictates that the lighting scheme of the site must be drawn up, taking into account the features of the location of all objects and your lifestyle. Competent illumination of the territory is a guarantee that, walking on a May night to the trills of a nightingale, you will not stumble and break a leg, and returning by car from a party, you will drive into a garage, and not into a pole. But, thinking about the illumination of the site, we must not forget about beauty: an illuminated lilac bush looks so romantic: Although the solution of functional and aesthetic problems in this case can be quite combined. For example, a pond lighting system allows you not only to admire the fish, but also reduces the chances of guests accidentally falling into it.
Where to start lighting a summer cottage?Of course, you can ask your friends for advice or look through specialized magazines. But drawing up a site lighting plan is too complicated a question for

amateurs. The lighting scheme is an integral part of the landscape design of the territory adjacent to the house and the technical solution of the entire site. That is why in this case it is better to immediately contact specialists - a company licensed to carry out the relevant work. However, if you are building a house or doing landscape design with someone's help, these same specialists will also help you with the lighting issue.
Needs and Possibilities
As a rule, the layout of the site involves a certain lighting scenario - it is logical if, when placing lamps, you follow the layout of the main functional areas and objects. If such areas as the entrance to the territory, the entrance to the house, the main routes of movement are illuminated as needed, then decorative lighting depends on the desire and artistic imagination of the owners. In any case, you can be sure that the manufacturers of lighting fixtures have tried to provide for both the functional and aesthetic side of the issue. The variety of modern garden lamps literally makes your eyes run wild: hanging and freestanding, floating in a pond and mounted flush with stone or concrete paths. The main thing is to correctly solve the problem of choice in accordance with the needs and possibilities.
With the help of a waterproof LED strip installed under the curb or thresholds, it will allow you to create unusual lighting for paths, areas, steps, etc.
Tips for light
- pay attention to the height and location of the lamps: low ones in winter can simply be buried under a thick layer of snow
- when illuminating a house, you do not need light from a fence around the perimeter of the site - in this case, you simply blind yourself
- it is convenient to use technological advances for safety purposes: for example, when a stranger appears on the site, the emergency lighting turns on and the effect of the presence of the owners is created
- thrifty owners who strive to keep up with the times can provide for stationary sockets in the main laws of the site. This will allow not only rational use of lighting systems, but also periodically change the light to a more modern one
- fiber optic lamps, unlike traditional incandescent lamps, are not only safer, but also more rational: it is enough to have one generator inside the house, and distribute optical cables around the site.
- it is reasonable if lighting or, at least, sockets are provided in those places where electricity is already supplied, for example, a pumping or cleaning system for a pond, electric heating of paths, automatic gates, etc.
Landscape lighting

Decorative lighting of a fountain, pool, cottages is an attribute of the status and prestige of a successful modern person. Professionally executed landscape lighting of a garden or park solves not only utilitarian, but also decorative problems and creates a feeling of warmth and comfort near your home. Garden lamps are part of the style solution of your garden. Along with the practical function of lighting the garden, they should harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape. The modern market of landscape lamps and lanterns offers almost unlimited possibilities for the implementation of garden and park lighting.
Most often, underwater lamps are used to illuminate pools.
They are used forlighting of fountains, waterfalls, pools, streams, aquariums. Usually such lamps have a device for fastening to the surface and adjusting the tilt, as well as a screen made of durable glass. The body of the lamp must ensure complete waterproofness. Underwater lamps are powered from a regular electrical network - a sealed body allows you to safely immerse them in water.
Built-in lamps are designed for installation in various structures. In residential premises, built-in lamps are usually mounted in a suspended ceiling. When decorating a garden, there are various options for using built-in lamps, for example, lamps can easily be built directly into a garden path or fence. A path illuminated in this way will acquire a unique flavor and bring great pleasure from walking along it in the dark.
Solar-powered lanterns have appeared on sale relatively recently. Their feature is the absence of any wires. You simply insert the lantern into the ground wherever you want. These lanterns are perfect for illuminating garden paths, alpine slides or lighting the porch of a house. The lantern is powered by an AD battery

, which is charged by solar panels mounted on its cover. Built-in electronics automatically turn the lantern on and off, and switch it to battery charging mode. The brightness of the lantern's night glow directly depends on the level of its illumination during the daytime. The battery capacity is enough for 10-16 hours of operation. The light sources are fluorescent lamps or white and amber LEDs.
These lamps are sold with two main types of fastening - on a pendant up to 70 cm high or on a vertical rod up to 30 cm high. There are also floating and table models, but they are still rare on the Russian market.