Outdoor street lighting

 Exterior lighting of the central park

   Outdoor lighting is an integral part of the city's nightlife. The use of outdoor decorative lamps creates a cozy atmosphere of the urban environment, pleasant for being  city residents. High-quality outdoor lighting ensures road safety, reduces the crime rate.   When implementing an outdoor lighting project, it is necessary to take into account the aesthetic factor, i.e. how well a particular lighting complex (lighting support + console + lamp) will fit into the urban environment, surrounding landscape, etc. Recently, there have been more and more positive trends in highlighting the main city roads, city parks and squares with the help of unique individual lighting complexes. In some countries, there are even some kind of competitions between cities for the most striking and unusual design of urban spaces with outdoor lighting installations. They are beginning to acquire the character of architectural elements of the surrounding space. City administrations order outdoor lighting projects from leading designers and design bureaus in order to raise the prestige of their city and show their desire to develop it and improve the standard of living of citizens. Considering that the simultaneous implementation of the outdoor lighting project for the entire city is impossible due to the rather large material costs, it is carried out in stages in accordance with the adopted plan.

Exterior lighting of the square KH-SL60/3The development of outdoor lighting installations begins with the development of the outdoor lighting concept and ends with the implementation of the outdoor lighting project. 

     The outdoor lighting concept may include:

- sketches indicating the locations of lighting fixtures on the plan,

- highlighting certain streets with their type of lighting fixtures, brackets, supports,

- visualization of lighting systems during the day and night,

- performing lighting calculations.


   In a number of casesExterior lighting of a city park using HERNANDEZ lamps, for outdoor lighting of unique areas Using architectural forms in outdoor lightingoriginal concepts of lighting complexes are developed for parks and parks and are subsequently agreed upon with the city architect and local administration.

  A number of lighting equipment manufacturers offer a comprehensive solution for outdoor lighting and landscaping of the surrounding space, i.e. along with lamps, supports and consoles, small architectural forms are also supplied: benches, urns, parking fences, stationary advertising banners, etc. Moreover, all these elements are made in the same style as the lighting complexes, which is a very effective technique for highlighting a particular object and increasing its prestige.

   In a number of cities, work is currently underway to develop telemanagement systems for outdoor lighting installations, which are aimed at reducing energy costs and its optimal use.


Exterior lighting made with Thylia luminairesStandards and rules for designing outdoor lighting installations 


Exterior lighting of the central street is made on IMPERIA lamps  The external lighting project determines the quantitative parameters of the lighting installation (brightness and illumination), and in some cases, the qualitative characteristics (glare index and discomfort), the types of lighting devices, the arrangement of lighting devices on the illuminated surface are determined, and a specification of lighting equipment is drawn up (types of devices, types of reflectors, types of light sources).

  In the outdoor lighting project, in addition to, When calculating lighting, it is necessary to take into account the installation location and ease of maintenance of the entire lighting installation.


External lighting of the embankment made on FERNANDEZ lamps

Light Pollution or Dark Skies


Lighting engineers working on a project outdoor lighting, should use high-quality lighting fixtures in their projects that minimize harmful light pollution that leads to external light pollution.Outdoor lighting is done with Onyx R



    ;          Light pollution map of Europe. 
         Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC
         based on data from Christopher Elvidge, NOAA NGDC.

  Excessive light pollution not only hinders astronomers, but also has a direct negative

Light Pollution Map

affects the health of humans, animals, birds  and even insects. Using special outdoor lighting fixtures helps to minimize light pollution.

   The Dark Sky Movement aims to reduce light pollution. Its goal is to "change" the evening sky so that people can see the stars, reduce the effects of unnatural lighting in the environment and reduce energy consumption. Its activities include encouraging companies to use lighting fixtures using full cutoff and cutoff technologies. The founders of the movement were astronomers who were alarmed by the fact that nighttime city lighting was changing the appearance of the stars. In 1998 an international association IDA http://www.darksky.org was formed, which fights for "dark skies". There are more and more cities in the world where laws are being adopted, aimed at dramatically reducing light pollution levels, and the requirements for outdoor lighting installations are adjusted accordingly.

    Schreder is well aware of the problem of light pollution and is constantly looking for ways to reduce it. The company offers its customers a wide range of outdoor lighting fixtures using full cutoff and cutoff technologies, and also takes this problem into account when developing new outdoor lighting fixtures.

Cutoff technology is used in Hestia, Alura, Francesca lighting fixtures , Nem, Kali, Hestia and Onyx.

Full cutoff technology is used in Hestia Extreme, Neos, Focal and Corus luminaires.


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The developed IESNA classifications (RP-33 and RP-8) describe the light distribution of luminaires in the upper hemisphere. The fundamental and essential point for classifying a luminaire according to this classification is the horizontal position of the luminaire in the outdoor lighting installation.


1. Full shielding of light in the upper hemisphere          Light distribution of the luminaire for outdoor use with full shielding of light in the upper hemisphere
(full cutoff)

Light distribution of a luminaire in which the luminous flux is 0 at an angle of 900 from the vertical and more, i.e. no light enters the upper hemisphere. The full cutoff scheme is the most stringent condition in the classification under consideration. The use of luminaires with such a light distribution scheme in outdoor lighting projects helps to eliminate light pollution. The full cutoff scheme can only be implemented in luminaires with flat protective glass.


2. Light shielding in the upper hemisphere

Light distribution of a luminaire, in which the luminous flux is 2.5%  of the luminaire flux at an angle of 900 andLight distribution of a luminaire for outdoor use with partial light shielding in the upper hemisphere 10% - at an angle of 800 from the vertical. Typically, the implementation of such a scheme is typical for luminaires with non-flat convex protective glass.


3. Partial screening of light in the upper hemisphere         
(semi cutoff) 

Luminous distribution of a luminaire, in which the luminous flux is 5% of the luminaire flux at an angle of 900 and 20% - at an angle of 800 from the vertical.



4. Without light shielding in the upper hemisphere             

 Light distribution of a luminaire for outdoor use with partial light shielding in the upper hemisphere

(non cutoff)

Unlimited light distribution at any angle.

Typical for luminaires in which the majority of the housing is made up of protective glass.

Luminaires with such a light distribution scheme are not recommended for use in outdoor lighting projects, because they have the greatest impact

on light pollution.

Light distribution of a luminaire for outdoor use without light shielding in the upper hemisphere